Hello, I work full-time and have been doing so ever since I was 18 (42 years ago, work that out!). I recently heard from a work colleague that, when I reach a certain age, even though I am still working full-time and getting paid, I will not have to pay National Insurance ... is that correct? I further understand that this will happen automatically with my payroll provider, but I wondered if anyone knows what age this would happen for a man and what age for a woman? I was led to believe that it's 65 for a bloke and 62 for a woman, depending on your date of birth.
Would appreciate some clarification, please. Many thanks, Chox.
I stopped paying NI when I was 60 - you need to obtain a card from HMRC. It's NOT automatic, you have to tell the employer that you are entitled to examption, so don't wait for it to just happen!
However I suspect that you are right about the 62-ish, as the date of exemption is now on a sliding scale. I'll see if I can find the link.
thanks so much everyone, great help, much appreciated. I am not pensionable age for another couple of years, but I have no doubt that that time will come around very quickly - so it's well worth knowing. Will need every penny at that time. I might even have a word with my payroll provider sooner rather than later, just to see what I need to do when the time rolls around.