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Mis-Sold Ppi

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abstibus | 22:25 Sat 16th Feb 2013 | Business & Finance
16 Answers
For anyone who thinks they might be entitled to claim for this - go for it.
It is so easy to do - ignore all the TV adverts and do it yourself. I did, and I'm no financial wizard. I got over £2000 back for a bank loan I took out in 2002, even though I had shredded the paperwork.
Happy days.


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I want to do it, but I don't have any of the paperwork nor do I remember my account numbers or customer numbers :(
22:42 Sat 16th Feb 2013
Yep, I endorse that - although we have gone through an agent as we wanted to do it that way. We both agreed we'd rather give them a percentage to deal with all the hassle for us - and we HAVE had hassle, since several of ours had togo to FOS and be argued. Other claims have gone through straight away. Not worth not doing - if you haven't already, please do!
Well done, I'm in the process of doing it myself, sent the letters off last week, now living in hope!!
I got a pay out two days before Christmas; the bank contacted me on this, so it was done direct and they took about 6 weeks to verify all accounts back in the mid90s.
Keep a diary of it. meg - we've got ours on a spreadsheet - if you don't hear anything in a month, chase!
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Good luck, meg.
I couldn't believe it!
I used the template from the moneysupermarket site link.
Easy peasy.
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Just to add - mine took just over 3 weeks from my initial enquiry to the bank to the letter of confirmation. Cheque to follow.
I want to do it, but I don't have any of the paperwork nor do I remember my account numbers or customer numbers :(
Brilliant, it's getting a lot more slick now!
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Do you remember the name of the lender and the year? That's how I started.
Yes, there are 2 (I was young and stupid!)
The bank should be able to give you the details, voddie, and you don't need the paperwork as most of them have sent all the intricate details into the depths of a salt mine in Cheshire or wherever. You just need the explanation of why the selling was wrong and rough dates (I had month/year and location of the sale, and the name of the manager).
You don't need to know any account numbers v&c.
Oooh thanks folks, I will get on to it ASAP. Thank you x
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DT is right.
Contact the lenders, give them what information you can remember, and they will provide you with the details you need to start.
Don't be put off by the tone of their pro-forma letters.
I found the site very helpful, and it really was a shot in the dark.
But it worked!!
I shredded all my paperwork when the debt was finally paid off. Have just used a standard form now to send to the banks/credit cards I was involved with.
Just put don't know for account numbers, worth a try! Good luck!!
Is it still possible to do it yourself even if you haven't any paperwork? I have a vague recollection that I may have a couple of claims from years ago but everythings been shredded now. I have no policy numbers I can quote, the only thing I can probably remember is the actual financial institutions I dealt with.

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