Is anyone on here self employed, working from home, who can give me some tips as to how to start. I cannot got back to work as yet, Polly cant be left with anyone. She would hate it. I am not entitled to benefits, not even short term till i set up what i want to do. So now i just want to do some brain storming and look at a gap in the market and see if i can fill it. I was thinking of contract cleaning, but i'm a one person army, so that may get too much, and cannot take Polly with me, unsafe. I want to do this my reliable friends, please get brain storming and think of stuff for me to get into. x
All of my family are self employed barring one, much easier, more profitable and flexible than being employed, so think about your strengths and shortlist your interests because something you like and enjoy is important. I have several businesses and the one I enjoy most is a steampunk/ alternative / vintage clothing site- internet led for the most part ( although we do do festivals etc). I like it, it's fun so it's not like work.