Film, Media & TV5 mins ago
Rbs Is My Money Safe?
6 Answers
I know nothing about banking but am getting worried about all the negative talk about RBS. Is the normal customers money safe?
Deposits in the Uk are protected by the FSCS up to £75000 per person per institution and subsidiaries , so as long as you have no more than £75000 in total in RBS and any banks under the same parent company (I don't know if there are any) then you're safe.
10:00 Fri 29th Apr 2016
https:/ /www.go .uk/web hp?sour ceid=ch rome-in stant&a mp;ion= 1&e spv=2&a mp;ie=U TF-8#q= bank%20 protect ed%20sa vings
unless you have more than 75k banked you are fine
unless you have more than 75k banked you are fine