Something To Ponder On
Subject: FW: remember a ditty
>'Won’t you join our Common Market?’ said the spider to the fly,
>‘It really is a winner and the cost is not too high’
>‘I know De Gaulle said ’’ Non’’, but he hadn’t got a clue,
>‘We want you in, my friends and I, for we have plans for you.
>‘You’ll have to pay a little more than we do, just for now,
>‘As Herr Kohl said, and I agree, we need a new milch cow,
>‘It’s just a continental term, believe me, mon ami,
>‘Like ‘’Vive la France’’ or ‘’Mad Anglais’’ or even ‘’E.E.C.’’.
>‘As to the rules, don’t worry friend, there’s really but a few,
>'You’ll find that we ignore them – but they all apply to you.
>‘Give and share between us, that’s what it’s all about,
>‘You do all the giving, and we all share it out.
>‘It’s very British, is it not, to help a friend in need?
>‘You’ve done it twice in two World Wars, a fact we must concede,
>‘So climb aboard the Market Train, don’t sit there on the side,
>‘Your continental cousins want to take you for a ride’