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Visa cards

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jacey | 21:35 Fri 18th Nov 2005 | Business & Finance
10 Answers
Does anyone know, how long before or after, your current card expires, that they send you, your new one? I just tried to order something from Jersey but as my card expires end of this month, they say card expired by that date :( Thanks .


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At least a couple of weeks before, sometimes 5 or 6. In the latter event the cards overlap a month.

It would be worth contacting your card issuer in case it has gone astray.

Question Author
Thanks dzug ,will sort it out Monday :-)
My Visa debit card expires at the end of this month. The new one arrived today.

Many card issuers are now sending out cards much later than they used to. If a card was sent out several weeks before the expiry of the previous card, then it could be missing for several weeks before the cardholder reported that it had not been received. Sending cards out later reduces the chances of fraudulent transactions going unnoticed.

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That makes sense, thankyou too for the info :-)
Any 'shop' who refuses a payment now because your card expires later this month is (I'm not known for my tact) idiotic.

Depending on who issues your card, it could be with you between one month and one week before you need it.
you'll probably find that mail order companies are getting more cautious on credit card sales because the issuing companies are starting to come down much more heavily on 'holder not present' fraud - i.e. where the card holder isn't there to punch in their PIN.

There's been several articles on this subject in the national press over the last few months and perhaps jacey has been the victim of excessive caution on the part of the company in Jersey.
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Thanks for your comments :-) Well the good news is that my new card arrived this morning. However, of course it's not vaid until Dec. 1st. So I guess I'll have to place the order then, and hope it gets here in time, for christmas. The store in question (Jersey branch) is TESCO !!. It does seem silly, as last night I placed an order with the local one for a lot more money, with no probs. I would have thought they could have checked it out somehow. Maybe they have tighter laws in Jersey? Thanks again to all :-)
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In A Pickle - just to get a wee bit technical, the store (Tesco) could authorise the payment now but not take it out of the account until December if they really wanted to.

Putting the payment through and getting it authorised is different from actually taking it out of jacey's account and the 2 usually only happen about 3 days apart but there's nothing to stop Tesco leaving a gap of weeks.
Does that make sense?
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Hi IAP. Sorry this is first day I've been bac n since I posted (no withdrawals either ;-) Only usually see you in CB :-) ( loved ur garden pic.btw) My card is a debit one. I went into the bank today and told them about it, she said "Use your credit card" But I don't want to even activate it. I could pay it straight off, but just got a bee in my bonnet, about it now.I shall re order at one minute past midnight Dec. 1st. If it gets here here 3 or 4 days well!!!??? Anyway Thanks for replying. Will say Hello next time I see you :-)

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