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Justin Welby's Sermon

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agchristie | 11:54 Sun 22nd Nov 2020 | News
82 Answers
But would Jesus advocate spend spend spend to our neighbours when the national debt is huge?


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The old saying:

Charity begins at home.
no man can be a prophet in his home country
actually boys and gurls I thought you were gonna say
the script was

Blimey I have said so much in the last few months I must go and have a rest now
His Grace, the Lord Archbishop, ventures into the field of politics. He would do well to remember the words of the New Testament:

'Render unto Caesar...'
rendy unto cheezer is to pay your taxes and parking fines

this is - go into hock big time so that others er dont
zad eez
not only keel the fatted peeg but keel the other one I dont have (extended parable of the Prodigal son )
One budgets as one can, to try to ensure stability at home and helping one's fellow human beings who are in trouble. We all benefit from a world where all are doing well.
Question Author
Another case of religion colliding with politics.

Its ok to talk abt morals and being charitable but I cant help thinkin that masses of cash ends up in the hands of countries who dont need it....

How moral is that Mr Welby? (Gates,Cameron,Blair et al)
Presumably our GDP will fall this year, so our Aid spend will reduce.

But Gordon Brown signed us up to this commitment, and Dave ‘we’re no longer the nasty party’ Cameron wholeheartedly supported it.

But the Conservative Party has re-aligned more rightward recently, and giving handouts to scrounging foreigners is an anathema to them.
The standard perception of foreign aid is that we simply shovel money oversees in eight-figure chuncks and it disappears into the coffers of corrupt governments, never to be seen again.

In my view, that is overly simplistic.

The government does believe it has a moral duty to assist countries far poorer than us - and in a lot of cases, money is going to people who have literally nothing, and should not seriously be begrudged by individuals on here who have, as a minimum, the means to buy a computer and pay for the electricity to run it.

But the govnment also sees foreign aid as an investment in developing countries who will, in the future, be in a position not only to repay the aid they have received, but also contribut to the benefit of this country in terms of trade in goods and services.

Obviously I don't share His Grace's Christian basis for his views, but i do agree with him, albeit for different reasons.
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"as an investment in developing countries who will, in the future, be in a position not only to repay the aid they have received, but also contribut to the benefit of this country in terms of trade in goods and services."

I dont profess to know a great deal about the IA budget but I wud be interested to know if we do see value for money (however that is measured).

the Good Samaritan didn't say "I hope you can pay for all this"
Globally, Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs should be applied, which would mean the 0.7% going entirely on Covid, supplying water, food aid etc, and spending millions on upgrades to libraries, Big Ben, HoC, and Buck House etc should be blue pencilled.
And yes, feed and house our own first.
Welby is sooooooooo out of touch.
Theland - // And yes, feed and house our own first. //

'Our' own?

What an odd sentiment from someone who comes on here day in day out telling us that we are all God's children.

Does your god involve himself in demarking deserving humans on the basis of where in the world an accident of birth has placed them - rich or poor - or is that just you?
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Oooh gosh! Was that the sound of a crashing pulpit I just heard?! ;-)
// comes on here day in day out telling us that we are all God's children.// the holy andie hughes

yeah and god fed his children ( wiv manna I think )

so let him do it again - thats what I say !
no the whoosh was the sound of a pulpit being demolished wivva BAZOOKA!

it all happens on AB on a wet sunday afternoon
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Supposedly u can do a lot with loaves and fishes! (I think?)
ag - // Oooh gosh! Was that the sound of a crashing pulpit I just heard?! ;-) //

We'll see.

In my experience, Theland will simply ignore my point, because it is too uncomfortable to answer.

Fervent Christians are hypocrites because they preach love and heaven waiting, and then they are as venal and self-serving as anyone else.

I can live with being self-serving, because not being a Christian, I don't have to reconcile it with the fact that my humanity drives a coach and four through what God is supposed to want from me.

That's a problem for Theland, as he admirably demonstrates on here, where only WASPs are entitled to his personal largesse, not some nameless starvation victims who are out of his sight, and clearly out of his mind as well.
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Hmmm,as I said, religion and politics collide....

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