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Rondy | 13:52 Wed 29th Jun 2022 | Jokes
1 Answers
A Chinese man goes to the bank and asks to change a Chinese $50 note into Sterling, he is given £37.86.

A month later he goes to the bank and asks to change a Chinese $50 note into Sterling, he is given £41.23.

A month later he goes to the bank and asks to change a Chinese $50 note into Sterling, he is given £13.76.

HE is a little annoyed with this and asks the bank cashier why he was given £37.86 one month, the next month he is given £41.23, and the following month he is only given £13.76?

The cashier says

The Chinese man says "well there's no need to be rude about it, Fluctu English too"


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that was Velly Velly good

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