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Council Tax in Westminster?

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karaoke_girl | 14:33 Tue 08th Aug 2006 | Business & Finance
3 Answers
Hi, Does anyone know what the council tax is in Westminster roughly per property? and if so, does it depend on the number of residents?


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First, you need to know which Council Tax band the property is in. If you don't have that information, you can find it here:

Then you need to consult the table here: tanddemocracy/councils/counciltaxandfinance/ba nds.cfm

As you'll see, Council Tax in Westminster ranges between �439.33 per year for Band A properties and �1318.00 per year for Band H properties.

Council Tax does not depend upon the number of residents in a property except that when only one adult lives in the property, the Council Tax payment is reduced by 25%.

All I would say is that it is incredibly low as compared with the rest of the blighted Isle!
But , can anyone afford to live in Westminster?
Don't forget Student Relief. if all registered students Council Tax = O
Good for them
(Council gets it back from Govt in RSG)
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Thank you both, very helpful indeed.

It is a nice surprise to move from Leafy Berkshire to London and find out that my Council tax will almost halve!!!

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Council Tax in Westminster?

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