And a simply reality is that often you never get rich working for yourself either, especially as you often have to take holidays without pay if business is quiet, and don't get paid sickness either ! A good place to start is your local library. Ask the librarian for books on starting your own business which will probably throw up a lot of information which may not have occurred to you. Read them thoroughly and write down in a notepad all the issues they mention that you will have to deal with. Then swot up on them separately. Also in advance, research a suitable simple computer accounting package as whatever business you have you will need some kind of financial record keeping. And then do the practical legwork - go and talk to a few local chippy owners or cafe owners, ask them what are the worst aspects of their business and about the hours they have to work, both in the shop and afterwards, catching up with the paperwork. And if you work in any kind of food establishment, contact the Public Health Dept at your local Council as you will probably have to complete some kind of Public Health Certificate as well. Good luck.