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sarahnetti | 21:50 Tue 24th Jul 2007 | Business & Finance
3 Answers
Hello all,

I began working at a local pub (cavary inns) 3weeks ago, and requested full time hours. I didn't sign a contract, but did work a week in hand. The manager only gave me about 9 hours a week, so I continued looking for a job.
At the weekend I was offered a better paid job for 40 hours a week, but they needed me to start immediately. I called the pub and let them know I wouldn't be able to return to work and explained the reasons, apologising profusely.

The pay is weekly, so I am expecting to be paid this friday and next friday, but I am concerned they will not pay me for the hours which I have worked, meaning they will owe me over �100

Please help! I am a student and desperately need the money for my rent, so if they decide not to pay me, what steps can I take?

Many thanks


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Have a look at Question and Answer 9 (down the page) on this legal website. I think it will give you some comfort. This happened to my son a while back when he was a student - all 3 friends running the evening shifts of a well-known national 7-11 type store left giving one days' notice. The manager was furious (and so was I) and informed the lads they wouldn't be paid. I had to take it up with Head Office to extract the due money. You may find the same issue - the local managers aren't necessarily clued up on employment law. Good luck with the new job.
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Thanks so much for your advice! I should recieve my pay tomorrow, so we'll see what happens! Thanks again

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