I have just recieved a check through the post (with correct address ) to myself, from the Halifax, for a large sum of money, my problem is this....I have no idea who this is from, the sender is a name I dont know, never heard of them....there was no letter , nothing but the check, and I cant make out the postal stamp.....is this a scam, what do I do...????
A scam it is, it works like this, you put the check into your account 8 times out of 10 times it will clear.....you send money on to who ever sent the check, you keep 10 %.....great easy money.....BUT.....the check was never real when the banks realise that they come after you for the money and in some cases involve the police because you submited a forged check, or even a stolen one.........so beware......ah well ....
This is all linked with your Western Union question then. You didn't say anything in this question about needing to pass on 80% of the banked money to someone else, or even mention the dreaded words 'Western Union' - or it would have been evident from the start it was a scam.