Currently i dont work fridays and I am thinking about trying to get a friday or weekend or evening job. What sorta tax implications might there be on a 2nd job (someone said as it is a 2nd job I may need to pay "Emergency" tax at 45%?)
A lot would depend on whether you used all of your tax allowance in your current job. If you do and you get another job you would probably asked to complete a form P46 and your second employer would be instructed which code to use for you. Unless you earn a lot in your first job I doubt that you would pay 45% though
It depends on how much of your allowance you will be using up on your first job, if you only work part-time and don't earn enough to use your full allowance then you can ask your local tax office to split your code between two jobs so that you don;t pay tax on the friday job, but it depends on what they will add up to over your year
ok thanks salary isn't great so i doubt i use my entire allowance then? (hence the need to look for a second job at the mo)...I can do every friday and also thought of maybe doing a friday or saturday night shift.
As dot says you can ask for your tax code to be split over the two jobs. Once you have something sorted out speak to your local tax office who can help with this. Good luck
It's far simpler than that. HMRC instructs employers that employees who can't provide a P45 / have a second job to use a tax code of 'BR'. This means basic rate - 20% currently. That is what will be deducted.
Unless your taxable income across both jobs rises above the threshold for higher rate tax of about �40k p.a., nothing else will happen.
No-one pays income tax at 45% - the higher rate is 40% and has been for about 20 years.
The above answer was constructed prior to the last 3 answers appearing. My comment about it being far simpler relates to 'bensmum' answer.
Now we know you don't use your full personal allowance up on the 1st job, what Dot says happens is true.