While I agree that the BBC do pay excessive salaries to some people (Jonathan Ross!!), overall the BBC is good value for money.
If I were to say buy the Daily Telegraph each day at 90p a day (in fact it is more expensive at weekends) that would cost me nearly �300 for the year.
If I bought one pint in a pub each night at �2 a pint that would cost me over �700 a year.
Yet the BBC costs me only �142 a year (39p a day).
For that I get all their TV stations (BBC1, BBC2, BBC3, BBC4 etc) plus all their radio statoins (Radio 1,2,3,4,5 live, 6 ,7 plus local stations).
Plus I get their great web site which I visit EVERY day and has to be one of the best web sites on the web.
I feel the BBC is one of the few things the UK can still be proud about. Our programs are admired all over the world.
When most TV produced is DROSS, the BBC are one of the last bastions of decent, qualiy TV.
Programs like Springwatch, Who do you think you are, South Pacific, all the Attenborough wildlife stuff, the documentaries, the dramas, the comedies.
I would hate to think what TV would be like if we stopped getting programs like them....probably like American TV.
And if you have ever seen American TV you would know how bad that is.
I am happy to pay my �142 a year to keep that.