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The Rope Is Called For

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youngmafbog | 14:06 Fri 14th Apr 2023 | News
78 Answers
Not only murdered the poor little mite but tortured him too.

We desperately need to get rid of scum like this. Who in their right mind would want to keep them alive?

I have raised this as a separate thread as TTT has requested his to be removed.


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I would rather keep them alive because i believe that capital punishment is wrong
I agree with you, ymb. The death sentence is not a knee-jerk reaction, but a just punishment. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. If the evidence is crystal clear, then the death sentence is the only penalty. Is it not unfair - at the very least - to keep such a criminal alive, at the public's expense, and - possibly - to later on allow the criminal to commit the same offence again?
I don't think there is a punishment that can provide justice for torturing a baby to death... the priority has to be protecting the public by keeping the perpetrators confined

why honestly do people want them dead? i doubt anyone really cares that much about saving money... i think people want them dead because it feels good to imagine people who have done awful things suffering and dying... we all fantasize about that surely i think it is quite normal... but i don't think we should run the penal system to indulge our violent fantasies about terrible people
i think the perception is, make the murderer feel like the victim, as for the cost of keeping them, thats not it, its the fact they may come out of jail as if nothing happened and there life carries on, prison is not enough, this was merciless with thought put into it, the same apples to rapists and pedo's, the world would be a better place with them not in it.
i find it hard to believe they would ever be released
The death penalty is obviously highly emotive. Untitled believes those who want it in this case have violent fantasies that they want indulged. The standard liberal view. On the face of it I don't support capital punishment either but in cases like this people want them dead because it's not so much about the money spent incarcerating them but more that one day they will be released. They will probably be given new identities and looked after by the state thereafter.
Do people think these people will be rehabilitated? To do this to a baby requires an inhuman mind, stuff from horror films. It cannot be explained away and then cured by eliminating drugs. They need an air bubble in their veins.
"Untitled believes those who want it in this case have violent fantasies that they want indulged"

i include myself in that! i think it is normal human behaviour to have violent fantasies directed at people who have done truly evil things... i know i do!
Violent fantasy suggests to me some kind of deviant behaviour where an individual sits privately and gets off thinking about violence. That does not describe the vast majority who may agree with the death penalty because of eye for an eye or what's the point of such persons being part of society or any another reason but not to enjoy the actual killing surely..
Why honestly do people want them dead? Because society is a better place without them … honestly.
Many people believe that the death penalty would be cheaper than life in prison but that is not the case in the US and we would probably have a similar model. For those interested enough, this lengthy article explains why

We condemn those who murder and torture. These monsters believe they have the right to do what they do at the time that they do it, whether that is a spur of the moment rage, a long planned attack or simply for perverse enjoyment.
We believe they are monsters, evil.

Those that are in favour of the death penalty also believe we have the right to kill, they want somebody to become a cold blooded killer.

I would much prefer those monsters to see every day the contempt in other peoples eyes, live with the consequences. Some lifers want to die, to escape. Death is too easy for them.
By the way, untitled, we don’t all fantasise about doing terrible things to terrible people. I find the notion that ‘normal’ people do that really frightening. I wouldn’t want to cause pain to anyone, regardless of what they’d done. I certainly would rid society of them but by painless lethal injection.
seen from afar it's evil vile, imagine it was your family who suffered it.
complacency ermm, or the two wrongs does not make it right, eye for an eye, no..the worlds a better place without people like this in it
send a message, be nice, care.. oxymoron wanting the death of a murderer of a child, no it's not, these people have no heart and do not care what you think, thye would do it again and again..
I think it is quite common naomi

I don’t think there is anything harmful in fantasising about it alone… it is an understandable response to a world that is extremely cruel and unjust. i do think the death penalty is a means of enacting those fantasies though… it is no coincidence that execution were for most of our history carried out publicly as a form of entertainment… if we did that now i bet they’d still draw in fascinated crowds
“ Prudie Violent fantasy suggests to me some kind of deviant behaviour where an individual sits privately and gets off thinking about violence.”

erm why… “fantasy” does not necessarily have a sexual connotation. All of us fantasise. It is normal and healthy… better by far to do it consciously and know where fantasy and reality stops.
I don’t doubt it is common, untitled, but that doesn’t make it reasonable behaviour. It simply confirms to me that there are more out than in. Horrifying.
why? It is completely harmless and even cathartic to fantasise… it is by definition not real. I reckon we all do it to some extent.
I agree with Naomi on this, but for those of you who think these cretins should still live, how about solitary confinement? No visitors, no privileges for the rest of their lives.
fine by me. I do think some particularly nasty prisoners are given privileges that are unacceptable… you just know for example that these two will receive “fan mail” from people who worship murderers and monsters… if i am not mistaken ian bradey and rose west received letters like that. Certainly peter sutcliffe did. Should not be permitted in my opinion.
I don’t think it’s harmless, untitled. I think it’s frightening.
it’s a separate discussion i suppose naomi but i don’t understand how something which takes place entirely in the imagination of another person can be frightening… i really do think it is a universal or near universal human behaviour

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