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Why Are Schools Doing This?

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renegadefm | 13:38 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | Society & Culture
144 Answers

Just had my partners daughter ring her in tears because her daughter, partners granddaughter was susspended from wearing the wrong type of trousers. This I should add is secondary school. 

This is just messing with the child's mental health. Besides the trousers she had on we're trousers of the right colour, and not leggings as the school was suggesting they are. 


This isn't the first time I have heard of issues like this at secondary schools around here. One particular indecent was where the child was given detention for wearing the wrong brand of trainers, apparently it should have been shoes. 


It beggers believe why are schools doing this to our children. No wonder they are growing up bitter and twisted or are suffering mental health issues. 


Surely they are there to learn and get an education, it shouldn't matter what they wear. 





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the parent should ensure they adhere to the uniform policy.  Simple.  if the parent wants a scholl that has nouniform policy, they should find one

The question should be: Why do parents think their child should be exempt from the rules? The rules are very clear abide by them, end of.

"This is just messing with the child's mental health" - nope it's self entitled idiot parents doing that.

The school obviously has a strict uniform policy which if enforces. If the child's parents find it difficult to adhere to this they should speak to the school

I don't understand why following school rules causes mental health problems.

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But thats the whole point, they we're black trousers. 

But to blame the child is all wrong. They should just ask for a chat with the parents. 

^ it adheres

If they allow one to flout the rules the situation will soon spread.

Schools want their pupils to dress the same so that nobody suffers from mental health because they look different.

Many many moons ago when I was at school, my mother made my blouse instead of buying the ones all the other pupils wore.

I can't tell you how embarrassed I was about that and I still remember how I felt all these years later.



There is a vast difference between trousers and leggings 

"it shouldn't matter what they wear."

You'd have no rules whatsoever about what to wear at school?

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I haven't seen the trousers personally, but my point is why take it out on the child?

Surely the correct thing to do is chat it out with the parents. 


It seems ridiculous suspending a child over trousers. 


It wasn't like this in my day, I remember a boy in our class would turn up with brown shirts, but nothing was ever done about it. 

That depends on any given posterior.

they werent the uniform policy's trouser though, no?

my daughters school has a specific skirt that has to be worn 

- this is to make it as difficult as possible for the girls to roll them up (although of course they still do!)

has she worn the wrong trousers before?  got any warnings?

The secondary (boy's) school I went to had strict dress rules - navy blue blazer, grey shirt, black tie, grey flannel trousers, black shoes. Any flouting was severely punished. 


Wearing the right uniform is part of education.  If children don't and get into trouble for it, that's the parents' fault.  Your partner is aware of what's required but hasn't provided it.   Schools try to impose discipline - and God knows it's needed  - but if the parents kick against it, firstly that doesn't help the child to learn that everything in life isn't just as they would like it to be, and secondly without the support of parents  schools are fighting with one hand tied behind their backs.   I'm on the school's side in this one.

also,far from harming her "mental health" i bet she's delighted she wont have to go to school and gets a lie in/access to the fridge all day instead

Only two steps away from feeding them  chips through the fence.

Oughta be a law, etc.

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I understand schools want the children to all look the same hence the title uniform. 

But take that up with parents, not the child. 


Besides theres the thing where the minute they leave school they will want to select clothes which they feel suites their personality etc. 


Its a bit like saying during your time at school your not allowed to have a personality, when we are all different in reality. 


In an ideal world we should embrace this, even when they are children. And not being chastised for wearing wrong trousers, it just seems ridiculous.


I could understand it if they were pink trousers or something, but from what I can gather they we're actually black trousers. 

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It's not my partner, its my partners daughters child. 

Why does partner's daughter keep going to mummy/daddy for advice when she should be discussing it with the school?

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