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I've met this guy on a dating app and he messages me all the time but seems obsessed with sending me nude pics rather than a normal conversation. It's getting really boring and tempted to block him.
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Would it be even cheaper to avoid paying the Meyers standing charge. Could the cost savers ask the energy company to disconnect from the meters? Just a thought.
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I know I’ve been called a narcissist , an attention seeker and so on, but I’m in such pain tonight, believe me...
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I am 35 years old, never had a date. I tried various dating apps, never get any matches. Is dating over for me?
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I am meant to be going out with this guy tomorrow we've spoken today but not said what happening. Do I message him or wait till he brings up plans?
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To keep it short my coworker says we are friends but she hasn’t given me her personal phone number only her work number. When she was in short term disability I texted and email her to see how she was...
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This guy I'm meant to be going out with this week I haven't heard from him since this morning I know he been busy with work and seemed really but I haven't heard from him this evening am I being...
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I'm 28 btw. Long story short this is a woman I had a crush on for year's, since I was 6 lol she was my babysitter. Fast forward 14 years my dad is dating her after her divorce. When I lived with...
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My friends son is 18yr and is coming to lodge with us when he turns 19. He has autism and is still in full time education. Does any one if his child benefit stops at 19 and does child tax credits stop...
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Me and my close female friend started out sexually interested in each other after a few weird events (don't feel like explaining) she came to me and basically said she wants me in her life as a friend...
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I was talking to my mom and she somehow found out I was registered as republican. She said you better change that if you don't want to vote republican. I said that I voted for biden in 2020. She said...
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There's this girl, she and I are semi-friends. She's new this year. We work together and I share my locker with her at school cause it's hard to open hers. She told me that she has a boyfriend. She...
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I've met this guy on a dating app and he said he wanted to meet seemed keen but looked like he blocked me on WhatsApp I txt him he said he didn't and wanted to meet next Saturday last time I txt I...
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I have 1 purpose in life, and its a very 1% luck purpose like rock star or famous actor. Every second I spend not doing this thing is depressing, I can barely do regular things like spend time with my...
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My boyfriend (33) and I (31) have been going out for 6 months already and I still have not his family he live on his own he has a 10 year old son which I have not met. When I ask him when am I going...
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Good morning all! I’ve had this online friend for almost 20 years, we have met in person once, 3 years ago. I’ve recently been actively going out more to try and meet people because I’ve been alone...
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How do I help an adult with adult baby syndrome? I need help to bond with an adult that has adult baby syndrome? And to gain their trust!
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I really like a guy who also likes me and I am trying to come up with a cute and simple way to ask him to be my bf. I thought that because he makes me little gum wrapper hearts sometimes, I could make...
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Do girls in relationships care about penis size. My penis has shrank due to low testosterone and a genital track infection and getting sick. My penis is only 4.8-5 inches long and about 4inches of...
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A friend of mine just had an emergency thoracotomy done. And he complains a lot about tge pain. I cant distinguish if he is serious or just lying to get medication.

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