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I was charged with section 18 with intent, for the lad who got hurt and then section 39 for the bar maid who received a small cut on her arm for the glass.
Is it possible that the cps would allow me to plea guilty to two counts of ABH,
the reason I'm asking that is:
if i plea to anything higher i lose, my job, pension, £83,000 even before i step in court, i then lose my wife and son as my wife will not stay in england on her own and will go back to Bulgaria with my son, he is autistic and she said she wont be able to coup on her own.
I've no record
Sgt in the Army
Award the long service good conduct medal, (15 yrs unbroken good conduct)
plus ABH gives me at least a tiny chance off keeping my job, I still be disciplined by the Army and will surly receive a 5 yr promotion ban or a reduction in rank, in other words my career will be over.
Surly the CPS will be satisfied