My son wanted a few of the old cassette tapes that you cannot buy any more. He put a request in a well known magazine saying he would pay costs.Since boxing day they have been arriving two or three parcels everyday some large some small, i have even had 2 people bring them to the door, and he must have amassed about 500 of these tapes. Some have donated them free but most want at least postage and there is no way he can afford to pay all this. I am at my wits end have phoned the magazine who just say their readers are very generous and not to worry, well i am worried. The latest 15 parcels have not been opened and I wonder if we could send these at least back by putting on them return to sender but don't know if they would have to pay when they got them back or even if this is legal. The only thing i can of to do as well is ask the magazine to put an announcement in the next issue and ask anyone who insists on payment to contact him and we will have to pay them because sending them back would be even more expensive.Has anyone else had a problem like this and what did they do because i am at my wits end.
in all honesty, if people have already sent the tapes, then more fool them for not getting hte postage first. I very much doubt people will insist, and if they do, well he can pay those ones. How old is your son?
Hesitate to answer bedknobs cos i just realise i have probably made him sound like a little boy - he is 50, but only working part time at the moment, and i am 80 and think i am probably more worried about this than he is. I cant ring the magazine until tomorrow and there is no guarantee they will put it in the magazine but I think that seems to be the best option so far, thanks.
I cant see many people chasing him for the postage. Put a notice in the next magazine asking people to stop sending them as he has far too many to deal with.