A year ago I discovered my Wife was going for coffee for the last two years with a work friend, I only found out the usual way..picked her phone while driving and her late nights... I left home to rent a room which I have been doing. I saw a Solictor and they said because we have a small child and my wife will not own up to the affair and due to my work pattern, My Wife and Child must remain in our joint home as she is the primary carer of our child. I cant afforf to pay child maint, my room and my share of the morgage.
We cant agree on an equal share ( she offered me 10%) the value after tax and morgage payments is £190.000. Even though I paid all of it for the last ten years.
She has offered to pay all the morgage, bills etc , This suits me as I can get on with my own life until my son turns 18 ( in 8 years) but I'm just concerned she is getting loans and is using the house without my permission to finance these?
A Solictor is £200 a time and I really dont know what to do to prevent me from losing my equal losing my equal share.
I would get legal advice on this. As the morgage is in joint names and you are still married then there is (or used to be) some way that whoever gave the loan could go after the partner.
It might have changed now but I would still check it out.
The only way she could secure a loan against the property and erode the equity would be to forge your details, this can be done although not easily.
You can do a search on what details HM land reg have on your property by heading to their website, entering the details and paying a nominal fee, this report will tell you if there have been any other loans secured against your property.
£200 an hour sound better than losing all that equity.