News1 min ago
what waist measurement or over is thought to increase a person's risk of getting a heart attack
Recently my friend found out his ex girlfriend is pregnant with his baby. He has since met someone else and is happy in a new relationship. His exgirlfriend has told him as long as he is seeing...
Sorry I didn't get replying to your post, but I only have internet access in work, and I had to stay at home yesterday as everyone in my family (who look after my daughter) had a tummy bug. To answer...
how many hours does a baby spend in ababy walker that will delay its first step by up to 4 days?
Our daughter who is only 8 years old and to us still a kid has recently taken up with a new friend who stays in the same street. She is a bit older than our daughter although not much but she does...
how many hours does a baby spend in a baby walker that will delay its first step by up to 4 days
My ex partner left me when our daughter was 3 weeks old. Since then we have never got on and he will never agree to set times in which he can see his daughter. How can I take him through the courts to...
My period isn't coming regulary what should i do?
my 9 year old son has just starting having nightmares and it is the same every night, he thinks someone will break into our house and he is murdered, it is really upsetting him and getting him into...
No section for this specifically so have put it in here. Are there any teachers out there who know of a numeracy assessment which will give a ' maths' age eg. like Vernon for spelling and Salford for...
is it a crime? or a violation of sociaty?
angry & aggresive 18 year olds how do we cope?
Xts Twister stroller carrycot what other strollers will it fit on
my 3yr old is startig nursery in two days time and cant undo his buttons on his shirt should he be able to do this by now?
is it a conflict of interest, if a respndent is working for his own lawyer?
my son is 16 and due to start an apprenticeship i have paid an agreed amount to my exwife for several years can i now stop my payments
What legal rights does a daddy have on being able to visit or spend time with their baby, with having to go to court?
i have a 9 month old baby and a three year old. the problem is that my 9mth old daughter doesnt sleep much during the day. Will only sleep for half hour, if that at a time three times a day, and only...
Check out my posting on the Chatterbank site. (especially if your child/grandchild has a strong accent)
After a brief relationship abroad i had a son. 4 years on my son doesn't know his father and has father unknown on his birth certificate. My partner of 3 years is bringing him up as his own...