Love This Song, Sunshine On Leith. I...
Music3 mins ago
This has been in the news a lot recently, but with mentions only for pyhsical bullying.
Whilst I have every sympathy for those children beaten at school (recent injuries shown in the press have been horrendous) I cannot help but feel some concern that the agruably equally traumatic experience of verbal/mental bullying is being overlooked.
My questions, intended to open up a healthy and friendly debate are:
I have my own views, but, as usual, I expect some/many will disagree and I welcome all views and hopefully a debate... if anyone's interested! :-)
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Hi JB,
The answer given to this is based on my reasoning only.
1) I don't think I was bullied as I didn't let myself be bullied, involved in fights etc but I think you can only be bullied if you allow it to happen.
2) Attempted both, the mental aspect might be more commonplace in schools when I went but I stand by advice passed on to me to stand up for yourself and you will no longer be bullied in either respect. There was a much bigger lad than me in school who attempted to bully me ( physically ) but if you smack them hard ( and break their nose ) it all stops. Doesn't matter what your size, if they are a bully they won't expect the confrontation.
3) I would say mental bullying was more common, but that was due to a strict school and strict polices.
4) N/A
5) I believe it could be quite damaging ( mental ) but still stick by the mantra of " sticks and stones" , there was a lad in our class who was frequently bullied, he took a cricket bat to his bullies face. Never bullied again and now he is a criminal psychologist.
I am sure that my views will differ from others, but believe that it only carries on if they allow it to happen.
Fair enough ICEMAN. As I said - I want a friendly debate, so I'm not going to criticise. But just so you know, I was bullied for 7 years at school and I stood up for myself every time. It never stopped. I was bullied for
I stood up for myself every time, ignoring the (IMHO) RUBBISH advice of "oh just ignore them, they'll go away" (my EYE). They never once relented.
Was it all my fault? Should I have disowned my father, had a boob job, lied about having a boyfriend, and slept with anyone that came along, just to shut them up!?
Mine was a school with almost zero phyiscal bullying, but where every class had at least two kids who mentally tortured one or more others in the class. But because we were a school of smart kids, we were deemed "able to cope with it".
I appreciate what you're saying ICEMAN, and I sort of take your point. But, I feel that what you are saying is dangerously close to saying that it's all the victim's fault. Surely this isn't true!?!
As my parents moved about in different countries and places (after every 3 year posting) I went to a number of primary and secondary schools in different countries. I was bullied in a London school the most. Very little bullying in Germany, Kenya and in Indian schools I was the one everyone wanted to be next to. The reasons for bullying in London in the 70s was
1) i was new and spoke with strange accents and could speak German, French and Indian languages fluently
2) I did not have any friends.
3) From year 7 onwards i was physically bullied, spat at, punched and shoved on the ground and laughed at (that hurt the most) and my parents then had to put me in private school (by then father was promoted and children qualified for a private education). Best thing that ever happened to me.
It was then i made a vow to myself that my children will be privately educated.
Just to say that I went to a private school and wasn't really bullied ( a couple of very minor verbal incidents) despite being only one of around 10 kids who was not white in a school size of around 1000.
I suppose being tall, stocky and a number 8 for my school rugby team helped.
I should also point out that because I stood out (cos of colour and size) it meant that I was kind of picked on by teachers - it was easy to spot me if there were a few of us 'causing a fracas'.
Dom Tuk - thanks for your views, and also sorry to hear of the negative side of your childhood experiences.
Iceman - I agree it's partly the fault of the teachers (not the schools necessarily, but individual teachers) but I feel the parents should not be allowed to escape here.
I apologise for the fact that what follows is something of a personal rant, but I'm trying to make a point. As usual, I may be labouring the point, but feel free to skip this post if you like.
There was one guy who my school would not punish, because he was on for straight A*s at GCSE (and got them) and then straight As at A level (and got them in 5 subjects). He went on to get a 1st from Oxford, was offered a place to train with a prominent sports team but instead chose to work for a top London investment bank. I never fancied him (don't even think he's good looking) - but he IS/WAS good looking too. What do you say to a guy like that when the school thinks he's god and he's pretty much untouchable!?!
I got the same grade as him at economics, but he still made me feel thick as pig poo in this subject - yelling at me in class once that a total retard could understand elasticities supply and demand, why couldn't I !?
Vic & 10Cs - took so long being self-indulgent in order to make one tiny point, that I didn't see either of your posts until I'd posted my own!!!!
I think you both make good points. Thank you! :-)
I do agree with the policy to some extent, that you can't rely on others to fight your battles for you, and this is a lesson that should be learnt at an early age. ButI also agree with your implications that this is, to some extent, the schools sticking their heads in the sand.
Drusilla - thanks so much for your post - and again, I'm sorry to hear of what you experienced. As with everyone here, I hope I haven't brought up bad memories, and if so, I am sorry! :-)
Drusilla again - if you don't want to answer this, that's fine, but I was wondering if you were bullied by girls or boys? Mine were boys, but then I felt equally let down by the girls who sat back and let them do it. I know girls are meant to be as nasty as boys, but for me, as I said, it was the boys who were so hurtful.
Perhaps it's 50-50 when all said and done across the country and across the years.
I'm sorry Drusilla - you DID clearly say "by a group of girls" - I didn't read properly obviously! oops!
I guess you'll agree with me then that the mantra of "sticks and stones" is easier said than done. I don't see that I'll EVER feel confident about my looks, as the words of those people contiually echo in my head, and no amount of compliments or praise ever seems to get rid of them.
I'm sure you ARE gorgeous, but I totally understand that there are times when you don't feel it, and when you wonder if it's those girls, still inside your head (so to speak!). :-(
1. Yep, I was bullied. Basically, I became part of this group of girls in my first year of secondary school. This psychotic b***h became 'leader' of the group & we became the school bullies. I left pronto because I am definitely not a bully & the group was becoming very racist. Leaving the group was seen as being unforgiveable so I paid for it big time!
2. The bullying was mainly mental which made it hard when it came to reporting them. They did things like tell a group of men who were sitting in a car outside the school (it was a school for girls & a magnet for weirdos) that I a **** who'd do anything. So, I ended up walking home whilst a gang of 30 year old men tried to pull me in the car.
3. Bullying was very common at my school. The cruelty that takes place in girls' schools is astonishing. A girl in the year above me had a breakdown after a group of girls held her down and stripped her naked and then invited 10 boys to come & look/touch her.
I personally have found that telling the teacher is useless & often makes it worse. I thought it would be better nowadays, but my cousin is being bullied and the school is useless.
I don't agree that you can only be bullied if you allow it to happen. I do think there are people who are bully-magnets. I think anyone who finds themselves being bullied in every school/workplace they attend should look at what vibes they are giving out & maybe get some assertiveness training. I know a girl who has been bullied all her life & she does seem to walk around with 'kick me' written on her head.
But most people are bullied simply because they are different. Girls at my school were bullied because they were intelligent, beautiful, fat, Muslims, Christians, slept around, were virgins, or were simply unique in some way. Basically you either pretended to be someone you weren't or you were bullied.