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Let’s Play “ Never Have I “

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Bobbisox1 | 14:06 Sun 09th Jul 2023 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Did a parachute jump but I have done zip wires
Been to the Far East
Stood in a Court room
Rode in a police car

Your turn till I think of others ;0)


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Been unfaithfull last 27 years, don,t ask me about before,lol
Eaten jellied eels.
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You’re a lovable divel , that’s why Sparkly haha
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Jellied eels, snots on a plate eyukkkk
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Eaten liver
Never have I been to a football match.

Never have I eaten caviar.

Never have I been a bridesmaid.
Never have I been up in a helicopter.

(but I have done aeroplanes, hang glider and hot air balloon)
Eaten tripe
Eaten jellied eels
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Never have I stayed out late in a nightclub
Been in a helicopter although I’d love to do the Grand Canyon in one
Sky dived or hand glided but I have went off the back of a boat and been parachuted way up high
Wow Bobbi, that being towed up in a parachute behind a boat is pretty dangerous.
done helicopters, court rooms and the Far East (and the parachute behind a speed boat) but never will I ever eat a jellied eel.
Been in a helicopter

Ridden in a police car, or ambulance

Eaten a prawn

Eaten a Pot Noodle

Read Lord Of The Rings

Owned a tailored suit

Been to university

Composed a song

Learned to dive

Been wrong

(One of these may not be true!)
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Never have I
Watched Game of Thrones
Love Island
Eaten fried onions
Sat on a jury
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Okay Andy, you’ve never composed a song ;0)
If I was to tell you what I have never done, you would get fed up reading it!
I've lived a very sheltered life and I'm not a bit adventurous.
Wore jeans
Watched James Bond movie
Bought Scratch Card
Never have i...
Been in a balloon
watched Star Wars
Been married
owned my own property.

I have...
piloted a plane
Learnt the Greek alphabet
Seen Status Quo live
Read the Bible from cover to cover multiple times.

Bit of a mixture, but hey!
You asked...

I've never:

Bought a lottery ticket
Done Jury Service
Had a baby
Owned a mobile phone

Seen any Harry Potter/Star Wars/Star Trek film

Eaten shellfish/tripe/offal

Been married

Done jury service (or known anyone who has)
I've never ever worn a replica football shirt other than Man United and England.

I haven't being to see the Aurora borealis or Grand Canyon.

Too many things already posted I haven't done either, I might have to start a bucket list.

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