ok those who know me prob just think im hoping too much but here goes. I miscarried 2 weeks ago and started taking the pill straight away as I dont want to have to go through all that again. Since then my boobs are still quite sore. Does anyone think it's possible I was having twins, lost one and im still pregnant or could it be the pill? I havent taken it for 3 years and cant remember the symptoms, im still really tired as well. How long do pregnancy symptoms last after you miscarry, I was only about 6 weeks. Thanks
it sounds as if it could still be hormones from the pregnancy or from the pill. Did you have a scan when you miscarried?
Of course the tiredness could be down to the emotional strain you are under as well.
Speak to your GP if you can.
i didnt have a scan and wouldnt go back if they paid me. I've since written a complaint about them so I dont thik they'd be very happy to see me. I might nip to he docs to be on the safe side.
speak to your GP ASAP.
Im sorry, i know you may not want to speak about it, but how do you know you miscarried, were you seen by any consultant at the time? I know you had an awful experience and i hope that they take your complaint seriously.
I suffered an early miscarriage in the past & the pregnancy symptoms stopped immediately. I really think you should see your GP.
You can bleed without actually miscarrying, so it's best to get yourself checked out
So sorry to hear about your miscarriage - I had one in the early stages of pregancy at abou 9 weeks. I still had high levels of pregnancy hormone in my blood two weeks later. However, definately go to the doctors, he/she could possibly do a quick blood test to detect the hormone. Best of luck and good wishes.
I had a scan so i knew something was there and I know I lost it cos i saw it and was bleeding heavily for about 4 days. Thats all stopped now though. Consultant and doctors were awful hence the complaint.
The hormones in the pill mimic pregnancy (so that it fools your body into thinking it's already pregnant so no eggs are released). Therefore, your sore boobs could be due to the pill ( a common side effect) or continued pregnancy. The only sure way to know is to have a pregnancy test.