Hi there, I'm quite lucky I went back to work part-time and my daughter goes to my mums. But i have quite a few friends that have to leave their little ones in creches for long periods of time. I think, the ones who where started creche at a young age, it didn't affect them at all.
Unfortunately today, many parents don't have the means to stay at home and look after their children, the government seem to do a lot to allow parents to go to work, but don't help the ones who want to stay at home and look after their children, yet some parents who can afford to stay at home critise the parents who dont.
One thing I can say though, is, ask your wife, to look into part time, it doesnt necessarily mean her wages cut in half. Deduct the cost of childcare as well, and it might work out a bit cheaper, and easier all round, as the little one will in in creche a lot less. Hope this helps.