Hi, This might seem like a silly question, but what's the best way to handle a one-year old who throws bowls and spoons of food on the floor when we're trying to feed her? It's not because she doesn't like the food, as she does it with everything.
We've tried telling her off, but she finds this funny and seems to do it again for the reaction. We've also tried ignoring it but this doesn't stop her doing it the next time either.
maybe when she first did it, perhaps you found it amusing and cute, she probably picked up on that and turned it into a game, just try and ignore it, dont laugh ,smile or give any reaction, perhaps you could try the suction bowls, or faling that keep one hand on the dish/plate yourself while she's eating. otherwise dont worry too much, its just a phase.
Noooooooooo my3kids ! - the food will be on the floor instead!
Aniseed - hang on in there. This, too, will pass. It's her little game. Just keep shovelling the food in and she'll realise it's nicer to eat it sooner or later!
Don't worry - there'll be another annoying habit along any day soon.
I think this must be quite common as my daughter did the same thing at this age, I found distractors were the best solution, you can get some toys that stick to the table that they can play with while you feed them, failing that give her another spoon to hold and throw to avoid any mess. I reckon you've probably got another couple of months left before she finds a new game!!
Just ignore it - she dosent know its naughty - its just a game - next week she'll have discovered another 'game' to play.
Dont worry about it - its perfectly normal - she's just learning what eating and table manners are all about. She's only 1 after all!
Thanks for your answers. I think we're going to go with ignoring it for now while she doesn't understand. Have tried the suction bowls, and she quickly figured out how to pull them off and throw them on the floor. Also giving her her own spoon results in her scooping up food with it and throwing it all on the floor, and the distractors also end up in the food and then on the floor as well!
Think we have a very determined baby, but it's good to know we're not alone, and that it's a game that will hopefully pass.