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yes, i hate it too, but i can assure you that we have in know way whatsoever contributed or had a hand in forming these preconcieved ideas he has. he has only 2 black girls in his class, who apparently have bad breath, he has therefore come to the wrong conclusion, that all black people have bad breath. he hasnt said anything derogitory about the asian girl in his class. i have spoken to him and explained that just because the only two black people he has met have happened to have bad breath, does not mean that all black people have bad breath. i have also explained that his comments are hurtful, rude, not nice and most importantly not true. he doesnt exclude the girls and i dont believe he would either. i just wanted to sort this problem out quick smart. i also believe that if we lived in a town with more black people he would realise that this wasnt true. it wouldnt even help if i had either of the girls round, because he knows they are nice people, and likes them, he has just seemed to make a link between the bad breath and the girls being black. even after explaining all this he still says it, and then says oh yeah i forgot! i think it might just some time and patience on my part.