my daughter is 12weks old and have recently been trying to give her gripe water but she gets very ditressed and upset as she chokes when i give it to her does any one no if i can put the gripe water in her feed ???
Don't know how accurate this is but found the following on
If your baby won�t take the Gripe Water by itself, you can easily use the Gripe Water instead of tap or sterile water when you mix formula. Your baby will likely not be able to tell the difference and will eat like normal. But, the pain of colic will not follow the feeding because the herbs in the Gripe Water will counter the digestive irritation caused by the formula. If you are breast-feeding, try spooning the Gripe Water into your baby�s mouth if he or she won�t take a bottle.
Our son had terrible colic when he was about the same age (he's now 22months). We tried Infacol, which was useless, and then turned to Gripe Water. He wouldn't take it either, so we just put the relevant amount into his bottle. It worked wonders, and certainly didn't do him any harm. Persevere and it WILL get better.
I breastfed my little girl and she still suffered griping pains so i had to give her gripe water mixed in with cooled boiled water and she really enjoyed it :)