Dilkes - you and I, as adults, know that the images on the net are not happy loving couples in meaningful relationships! A twelve year old is not mature enough to judge what he is seeing for what it is - adult images, for adults - and the notion that you suggest his education should include some of the graphic material is dreadful,and irresponsible in the extreme. My children will learn about these things if they wish to pursue them when they are old enough to understand what they are seeing, and make valued judgements. As youngsters, we shielded them from the worst the world has to offer - it is not a matter of 'education', because they are not part of 'normal everyday life' - unless your connection is to some Enid Blyton land which the rest of us habe yet to discover. The net can be a nasty dangerous place, and the notion of a child (and that is what he is) surfing it unsupervised is a sinister concept. Your agreement with it is more sinister still. Want to reconsider and re-post?