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Kellygray | 17:33 Mon 06th Dec 2004 | Parenting
8 Answers

does any body out there have any tips for colic in young babies??



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what is colic? im not trying to be funny. im only 3teen. so i don't know
earplugs.or deaf grandparent.
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Okkaayyy - my previous post has been deleted because I suggested the use of Infacol, a proprietary brand for the ease of colic (ridiculous), so I'll answer in another way.


This does not in any way shape or form constitute advice.


My 14 month old had colic from birth until three months and the only way we could ease her discomfort was by giving her infacol and lots of it (a proprietary brand for such use) and gently rocking her - the rocking motion, we found, although i am not suggesting you use it!, also helped relieve the colic.


And when it got too much, me and my partner took it in turns to use the i-pod - loudly.


Happy AB Ed? 

My godson had 3 month colic (he is now a strapping 13 year old) He couldd be soothed by being laid face down over my knees and rubbed gently but firmly over his lower back GENTLY is the operative word here

take him up mam and dads and go up the plough with stephen

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