ChatterBank2 mins ago
Hi ladies. I had a C-section 10 days ago and want to know if you've had a c-section and what your recovery was like. The very base of my back/top of bottom is completely numb. It's the same feeling as...
i will be 7wks tomorrow, and have no symptoms at all, whats going on???
i found out a few days ago in pregant with my 4 child my youngest child is only 4 months old my fiance dosnt think it is a good idea to have the baby but i dont think i could bring my self to get rid...
hi everyone, just thought i'd give a quick update. I am now, amazingly, 19 weeks pregnant. Still in a state of shock. I went for my anomaly scan today and the baby was lying in the wrong position to...
Hi I handed a pregnancy test into my GP after doing 3 home tests all positive! The result came back as "equivocal" and I had to hand another sample in 48 hrs later. I was wondering if this...
If i had unprotected sex couple weeks ago and i just got like kinda lighter bleeding then my normal periods an my stomach has been feeling a little different but i dont know if im pregnant? i really...
so, i've done 5 normal pregnancy tests and 1 digital, they all came back positive. I started bleeding this morning and went straight to the hospital. There they done two them selves which they said...
When can you start to relax a little more? I'm in the very early stages of pregnancy and i had a miscarrage 2 years ago. I also have an under-active thyroid which i've been getting treatment for. I...
Hello, wow didn't expect to be posting a question like this! I'd just like some advice and any thoughts or experiences would help me out a lot. I've just broken up with my boyfriend, I'm heart-broken...
Hi, I'm 14 weeks pregnant and today at work I developed really uncomfortable pain in my back (upper), across my shoulders and my chest/ribs. I feel stiff and achy and it hurts when I breathe deeply,...
My two year old daughter is currently going through a biting phase. Whilst I have told her older siblings to keep bits of them away from her mouth her twin brother doesn't get this and is getting...
just wanted to let you know that everything still seems to be going fine and i am 12 weeks today. Although i am still spotting and bleeding up till now, have not had any for the last 36 hours and am...
I'm 26 weeks pregnant with my second child, last ight I had some bleeding. I went to the hospital, they monitored the baby's heart, did a urine test and and an internal exam, then sent me home....they...
Hi, I am 18 weeks today, and up to yet I dont think I have felt anything, I have read that it feels like a fluttery feeling but I havmt felt that yet, I have felt like little pulses ( kind of like...
Can anyone recommend any? I don't want to be driving all my non pregnant friends away with my constant baby talk lol so thought I'd join one. I have googled & there are loads, so have decided to...
Hi, I have only been with the company i work for for around 8-10 weeks. I'm pretty sure i'm pregnant. I have taken several tests that have all come back with a faint line on within the 3 minutes. Just...
My daughter was born on the 1st May and I am bottle feeding her. My breasts are very engorged and painful and have been for the past 3/4 days. Does anybody know how long this lasts for?
We have three month old triplets - all girls. We know that two are identical and the other is different. Without doing DNA testing, can anyone suggest a method to identify the identical pair? They are...
Hi all - I'm now 17 weeks pregnant, and still don't feel as though I am. I had my first scan at the end of March and all seemed fine. But now I'm worried that I have no symptoms, other than mood...