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Molly321 | 02:11 Tue 19th Apr 2011 | Pregnancy
8 Answers
I am 5 months pregnant. I had my period on time and normal the end of Nov. I found out I was pregnant the end of Dec my period did not come. So that means I was not pregnant in Nov right?? Cuz I know women can still have their period during pregnancy. But I have not had my period since my last period in Nov. I want to make sure when I concieved.


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If you are 5 months pregnant then surely that means you conceived somewhere around 19th November. I wouldn't have thought it mattered unless you aren't sure who the father is...
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My last period was Nov 24th so I clearly was not pregnant before then right? I am due Sept 4th.
Doctors normally use the date of the last menstrual period as a starting point for pregnancy and add 280 days to give your Estimated Due Date. 280 days before Sept 4th is 28th November so maybe the doc used that as a basis for an estimate, since the actual date of conception was unknown.
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Wouldnt I of concieved sometime after I had my period?
It is possible for two eggs to be ejected from the ovaries at one time. Thus twins. They are not always ejected at the same time and can be ejected several days apart. One can live, one can fail, therefore producing a "period" during pregnancy, when the 2nd egg doesn't develop.
Think u weren't pregnant in Nov..... If this helps.. my last period was on 1st Dec and im due on 7th Sept... Well, good luck :)
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