I'm on yasmin (started 2 weeks ago)and am feeling a bit crampy/sore breasts/very low mood/anxious. I want to give the pill a good try and wonder if anyone hound these side effects improved over time.(pd this I'd the first time in manysny years I'm on hormonal birth control and IRS was prescribed for bad pms)
I know cramps and sore breasts are a side effect, not sure about the low mood and anxiousness though. The pill didn't agree with me at all, I was gettin really bad migranes etc which didn't improve in time so changed to the implant, which is still playing upater 4 years. Have a talk with your doctor x
Ta roxy. Before a dr chat tho I'm curious to hear if any ab'ers symptoms improved over time. As my pms can be really bad I do want to give it a good chance ...
For most people (as my family planning clinic told me) they do settle down, I think I am just a freak lol, my mum was the same though. It may take a few weeks though. I mentionned the Doctor, not to change the pill, but maybe giving you something for the discomfort at the moment, I remember being givn extra tablets (can't for the life of me remember what they were) to help with the irregular bleeding I experienced during the first year of the implant x
Ah thanks roxy... I
might see gp then (for the low mood /anixiety ). U gd luck tp you and I hope u find "something" that hasn't got the side effects for u! Incidentalta few years ago was on mirena coil. Everyone else in themorena swears it's miracle cure for me.... The sudeeffects were horrendous. I had it out after 4 yrs!
Thanks eve, good luck with the Docs. I was looking at getting the non hormonal coil fitted, as hormones just do not agree with me at all, but like you say the side effects of that can be even more painful rather than a pain in the bum irregular bleeding xx
lots of pills have side affects at first til your body gets used to it...i have tried aroubd 8 different types... give it time and then try a new one until you find one that agrees with you
id suggest perhaps 1 cycle for your body to 'settle' in to it, but in terms of it if the 'right; pill for you id suggest about 4, as long as you can stand it...because then at leats you can be sure its down to the pill and not just general hormone wobbles etc ...keep an diary of your moods etc... i have found it hard to find a decent pill that im happy with so i gave them all about 4-5 months, in the hope id find a good one...
obviously if its making you feel constantly terrible then give up on it...i found it quite hard to tell really