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I'm pregnant!!!!

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lorla | 19:18 Tue 08th Nov 2011 | Pregnancy
44 Answers
I want to shout it from the roof tops! After many posts on here looking for help and support, husband and i are pregnant after 2 yrs and 3 months of trying! After endless blood and hormone tests, sperm tests and invasive surgery, i randomly fell pregnant. So excited i could burst! 13 week scan shows everything is OK. Just wanted to share ;)


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im sure id ring you before putting it on here red. Although would be funny. But nope no news. Dont tell rest of family but had ultrasound on ovaries yesterday.
I so hope it's my turn soon.
all ok, 4get? youre going to have to set alarms for 3am you know ;)
NM, hope all works out for you too x
Oh flipping heck, 4get.... never knew you were in same boat as me.

We have appt this month to see about getting his snip reversed.
Thanks red x

Who knew it could be so heartbreaking when you can't conceive.
Congratulations lorla and well done :o)

Good luck 4get and NM, hope some of lorla's luck rubs off on you xxx

4get & NoM - we tried for about three years before we fell pregnant with our first, good luck. x
good luck ladies xx
Just a thought...

Both my sister and my lovely friend both had severe gynae problems and were both told they'd never have children. Both conceived naturally in their mid thirties.
tried that red :-) nomercy my bloke had tests because of the cancer and he has swimmers. Now they are testing me. Had to have ultrasound, but also internal, some cysts found on screen, but get report sent to doc in next week, then probably blood tests to check hormone levels next. Its hard to check when ovulating as havnt had proper period since august.
Congratulations lorla - really wonderful news!!!

we went through all the tests too and I ended up conceiving naturally after 2 years of trying. Don't give up hoping, but try to stop stressing is the key I think.
Oh fiddlsticks, that sounds complicated.

My sister was told by her surgeon that her endometriosis was the worst he'd ever seen and that her womb was so malshaped she would never have kids. She now has two sons.

My friend had polycystic ovaries and one had to be removed. She now has a six year old daughter who was conceived naturally.
and its even more annoying that I get all the signs for period and pregnancy each month and get neither!! lol. I didnt want to get all the ovulating kits as I want it to be as natural as possible.
Why no periods?
LORIA - CONGRATULATIONS. Anyone else trying - good luck to you all and keep believing
dont know. This is what tests are for x
Congrats...and my thoughts and sympathies to those still trying...Been there...
Brilliant news lorla. I waited about 5 years for my first child, then the second one showed up about 19 months later. Good luck NoM and 4get xx
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Wow thanks all so much! We are both so excited, it just amazing. Yes conceived naturally and have no idea how or why it finally happened.

Just goes to show that it can happen, even after all that time ;) Keep believeing.

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