I haven't done any cooking over the festive season, so I'm pushing the boat out tonight with seafood paella, for which I've even managed to find a couple of Maine Lobster tails.
I went out last night a got absolutely mortared on vino espumoso so hopefully I will have recovered come cooking time. :)
Well, after the feck up that was Christmas day...gotta love my brother and a seasonal l row, I was going to cook the whole shebang of a Christmas dinner just for the kids and myself.
They whoever wanted a fry up... so thats what we're having...with crackers and all that!
Well, I had a good curry witht he girls last night to celebrate my birthday, and a bottle of Rosy Nosy beer.... so I'm not hungry this morning (except for the chocolates of course). I am cooking a turkey thigh for when nibble gets back later, seems so long since we had turkey :-)
Well I have a carton of cream to use up, so we are having (leftover) ham with pineapple, dauphinois potatoes and creamed leeks, followed by (leftover but frozen) fairy cakes filled with jam and cream. Pass me the Gaviscon!
On another note, do you watch/have you seen Miranda? For some reason, I always imagine you like the character 'Tilly'. Just reading your post above made me imagine you saying it in her voice.