Film, Media & TV1 min ago
I Hate Myself
Hi, I drove 250 miles to see my family most of whom I have not seen for over a year. I stayed with my sister and her husband which was great, and I was so excited to see everyone again. But my sis and bro in law cooked a meal for me and one of my brothers and a friend of their's. Well the evening was going well and the wine was flowing, my brother left to go home and that left me with this friend of their's and we were flirting rather badly (he told me I was a good kisser lol!), he is married with children but his other half is away in Oz and well - we started kissing and stuff. Then my bro in law got really angry with me, this guy left, and then both my sis and her husband had a real go at me for behaving in such a way and in my drunken speech i kept saying 'it takes 2 to tango' but they made me feel like it was my fault 'throwing myself at him'. We had all been drinking and I just got up and was about to go to bed and my brother in law ran upstairs got all my clothes and toiletries and threw them out onto the front lawn. He told me to leave. I know I have hurt my sis terribly, I still have a lot of my things at their house, but not sure how to approach them to get them to send it on, I love my sister and bro in law and we get on really well, but I know I have behaved badly, but I am sat here feeling sorry for myself and disgusted with myself, I know they hate me but they have not even contacted me to see if I reached home in one piece!
I feel utterly dreadful and sick to the stomach I miss my family so much. I don't think they will ever talk to me again.They don't care about me.
RQ x
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Dont be so hard on yourself Roughquest. The married guy was obviously flirting with you too. So dont take all the blame. Alcohol makes you do things you often regret later. And your family would have to be very mean if they didnt ever talk to you again just because of what happened.
Leave it a few days, and give your sister a ring or drop her a note. I hope it all works out fine for you xx
Please don't feel too bad about it!!
You are right, it does 'take 2 to tango' and you are not entirely faultless. Maybe you've touched on a raw nerve in their relationship without meaning to.
I'm sure they feel just as bad for their behaviour so take the first step and call them. They'll probably be grateful you did.
Are you single? If so, then I know you know this guy was married but he could have said NO! You didn't hold a gun to his head, and while I think your sister and brother in law were probably embarrassed, they had no rigth acting like they did! Especially your brother in law throwing your clothes out! If my husband had done that to my sister, I would have thrown him out!
I think you should just call your sister and apologise but make sure you maturey get across the point that you were drunk and not alone in the wrong doing! Also once you have apologised to them both, leave it at that. If they keep bringing it up then its not fair. Simply say 'I have apologised, now can we forget it'! Hopefully you will all be able to look back on this and laugh. But also I would want an apology from the brother in law! He threw your clothes out! How rude!
I completely disagree with Sharply... Stop drinking her life away? For a start.. one drunken night does not mean she should attend AA meeting! Why shouldn't she have a drink and a laugh? You said 'if your wife behaved like that'? Well its a good job she is so well behaved then, isn't it! Pffft! But RQ isn't married. She is single! Yes it was probably wrong to do anything with this man as he is married but at the same time.. she was drunk! We have all done something stupid when we were drunk and I refuse to believe anyone who says otherwise!
I went out with some friends a few weeks back and some guys bought us some wine and got us very very drunk. One of them was married but I ended up kissing him. I was p*ssed out of my head and no-one could have stopped me! Do I regret it? Not really. It was one little kiss and I was drunk. I learnt from it.
RQ - I think that the way your brother in law behaved was shocking and he is the one who should be apologising. I agree you should apologise for you behaviour but who you do and do not kiss is nothing to do with them. If anything they should be shouting at their married friend more! Once you have apologised, leave it at that. There is only so many times you can say sorry before it gets repetitive and meaningless.
Ruby xx (btw I am Rubyrose.. but my account was banned) :o)
Youngrusscel is right, No body should judge anybody especially on this site as people come here for advice not insults.
Yes you shouldn't have kissed him but I think you know that, but we are all entitled to make mistakes, after all that is what makes us Human.
You could have done worse, lets face it, you could have slept with him.
As for throwing you out, that was disgusting, you admit quite readily you had a lot to drink and I'm assuming that it was late and dark, you were 250 miles away from home and wonder if you had any money for accomodation as you say you are on a limited income, you couldn't of driven anywhere safely, the worst they should have done was ask you to spend the night as pre arranged and had you leave 1st thing in the morning.
As for the bill for a courier? Well, I would say yes, get your things back and never speak to him again.