This Morning my girlfriend was saying she had 'a feeling in her stomach that her period was due'. She's 37 weeks pregnant by the way. I asked her if it was the baby kicking or moving around and she said no. Could this be a sign that Labour is round the corner. Have any of you out there experienced this.
at such a late stage of pregnancy baby is really stuck for room and movements can feel a lot different to previous.
It may be the babys head has now engaged or may have been braxton hicks contractions.
I had braxtons from 36 weeks and painless contractions from 39 weeks. Baby still have to be forced to leave at 42+3 so i may not necessarily mean something is about to happen.
Saying all that, it may be the start of something so make sure all bags are packed and everythings ready to go. best of luck :)
redcrx is spot on ~ sh may be getting a dull ache which feels like period pains..I remember that only too well! this could be her cervix 'thinning' in preparation, or it may just be general uncomfiness which is very common at 37 weeks.
It is generally advised to get the bags packed & ready from around this time onwards anyway..hope you don't have too long to wait :o)
It might just be that the baby's head is now engaged, but doesn't neccessarily mean labour is round the corner. The head can still disengage.The feeling in her stomach may just be mild braxton hicks contractions, which are nothing to worry about. If she is still unsure, see the midwife.
Hi there, I started with period pains on the monday and this carried on all week getting a little stronger every day and I gave birth at the weekend. She could possibly be in slow labour. Or like the others say possibly baxton hicks (the mock labour contractions).
Hope this helps and good luck