thought i'd give you my experience of breast feeding, before i had my baby, I wanted to breastfeed- I'd had the "breast is best" argument in books, leaflets, magazines, parentclasses, midwives etc and I was excited to be able to give my child the best start in life. I spent a week in hospital after giving birth and had lots of help trying to get my baby to feed, it was not to be however and I was left deeply upset and angry that my body couldn't do this basic of functions for my baby. But looking back, I think I also bizarly felt relief, to me breastfeeding didn't feel natural, it felt weird and I didn't feel comfortable having a part of my body on show.. i have rather big boobs and i've always done my best to try and cover them up!
My little boy thrived on formula and is now a healthy happy 2 year old, i'm angry women are made to feel like a second rate mother when they choose not to (or can't) breastfeed, of course every mother want the best for their baby, but I also think a happy mum is just as important in babys wellbeing.