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banjo1 | 20:45 Mon 17th Sep 2007 | Pregnancy
11 Answers
how much baby milk do you give a new born is it 8ozs of water and 8 scoops of baby milk?


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a new born wont drink that much banjo. usually they strat on 3-4 ozs but each baby isdifferent
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my sister feed her baby on 8
It'll say on the tin what amount of milk per cooling boiled water to give.
well thats very imprssive seeing as a newborns stomach is too tiny to handle 8ozs, somehow i think that you are confusing the feed with when the child was a bit older.
Unless your baby is 16lbs in weight then you won't have to feed it that much. If you have an 8lb baby then it'll have 4oz of milk approx. My son was 10lb 4oz born and started on 5oz of milk.
why arnt u even considering breast feeding ???
you havent had your baby yet right?
then i would really recommend trying to breastfeed when he/she arrives. if you get help from the midwife right from the start it will be fine. when i was in hospital i would ask the midwife to help latch baby on every time, otherwise you can get really sore, you have to ask though as they just leave you to it. also use Lansinoh Lanolin cream on your breasts before and after every feed.
Once you and baby have got the hang of it and you are producing the right amount of milk for baby then it is the best thing, i loved it and it is less hassle than making up bottles and its free.
If you try it you can always change to bottle feeding but you cant do it the other way round.
Good luck with everything esp giving up smoking x
Firstly don't let people pressurise you into breastfeeding if you have thought about it thoroughly and don't want to! If you do it because you feel you HAVE to you'll probably be miserable.

Secondly I would start on 3oz and once the baby is drinking that then move up to 4oz etc. They'll never get through 8oz to start with. My youngest is on 8oz and she's about 20 weeks old (lost track a bit!) but my eldest never got about 7oz.
Sorry that last bit was meant to say 'above' instead of 'about'
I wasnt saying that you have to breastfeed, i was just giving some advice if you wanted to, some women think that they wont be able to breastfeed but i think they could with the right help. Obviously not all women want to and theres nothing wrong with that. The advice which helped me is there if you want to try it.
Speak to your midwife. And breastfeed if you can. Even if there are difficulties to begin with, try and persevere. Its SO much better for the baby and you too - helps the pregnancy weight fall off.

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