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Groin pain

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warpig3 | 15:22 Mon 10th Dec 2007 | Pregnancy
33 Answers
For the last 10 days or so I have had this pain in my groin and it is steadily getting worse. It feels like I have torn ligaments or something but there is no pain when I touch anywhere yet it doesn't feel internal either. It hurts to do the simplest of things like crossing my legs, turning in bed, walking, getting up and down.

Does any of this sound familiar? Its really beginning to bug me.



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I would imagine that this time next year you will be on here saying to others what Red is saying to you / us!
hopefully, just without the ramblings of a pregnant woman, unless you fall again really really quickly lol, now THAT would be a reason to worry lol

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Sorry girls,am just a little scared. Not sure what to do about it. Gonna lie down for while and try to think, however scary. Didnt mean to scare you all,it is just that it is just dawning on me.
awwww hun, sorry I hope you dont think i was making light of your feelings, i realise that they are very real!

Have a lie down and relax and come back, if you are feeling like this all the time then maybe you need a chat with your midwife in case its caused by your hormones.

Big Hugs xx
Awww warpig, it will all be fine. It is very scary, but having these feelings is surely a good sign. I am sure that being worried about how we will cope is all part of being a good parent.

Big hugs to you x x x x

I had a really down day yesterday but I posted on here and things seem so much clearer and brighter today. I hope that this is all you are having and that tomorrow you will wake with happy hormones and not the miserbale ones that seem to be making everything a worry X
Hi warpig, I hope youre feeling better this evening. All that your feeling is perfectly natural, no matter what baby number youre on. Im actually worse with this one than with my first 6 years ago even though I know I know alot more and Im better prepared this time! Well, theoretically Im prepared (ok now Im panicking lol)
With my first, although I had a much easier pregnancy (and loved the middle part!) I was with someone who, well I cant repeat what I call him on here because it will only be edited but I think you know what I mean lol, I wasnt able to show any good emotions and had to pretty keep everything to myself, things like my excitement and worries as well as not having a supportive martner I couldnt share the simple things like baby movements with. He never even bothered coming to any of my scans! This time round is so different and I have someone to share the highs and lows with and all the good stuff as well as all the bad stuff. But I feel Im having a rotten pregnancy and cant enjoy it as much as I was hoping I would be. Typical eh?
Im going to post a new thread with the list of do's and dont's I was given when diagnosed with the pelvic girdle pain. There seems to be a few of us now with it so have a read when its there and hopefully it will help you :)
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Hi all, sorry if I sounded down but Iguess I was, just the realisation of everything I guess. feel a little better now, still scared to bejasus though but its ok, better to confront things than not.



Thank you all xxx
It's easy to say this warpig, but try not to be scared. Just before I had my first baby, an old lady said to me: "Think yourself lucky that you're not a pig (oh dear!!!) - they have a lot at once, and it never bothers them!" I thought of those words when I was in the delivery room. It made me laugh - I relaxed - and everything was great. best of luck x.
But she'll be having a warpiglet ice.maiden! LOL

Hope you're feeling better today WP :-) XX
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Morning ladies, just wanted to say thank you for all your support yesterday, feel lots better today. Spoke to my mum and my best friend last night and they both laughed (in the nicest possible way) saying that this is normal and I had better get used to it, bless them. Just brings it home as there was my mum worrying about me who is worrying about being a mum, circle of life or what!

LOL icemaiden, thank god I am not a pig, imagine having 10 or 12 in one go, eeek!

Thank you all from a much happier pig. xxx
Im glad you feel a lot better today warpig, mwas worried about you yesterday.
We all go through it, but theres a lot of us on here no that can chat about how we feel and past experiences too so dont be afraid to say how you feel, we've all been there at some point.
Ice-Maidens reminded me of what a swedish midwife said to me when i was 14 days over and no sign of induction working.
She said that I hadnt given birth yet as my mind wouldnt let me. She said my fear was preventing my body doing what shopuld come naturally and to try and not be scared.
I tell you that once they broke my waters and took the decision away from me then I felt so calm about it, looking back its as if i wasnt really there.
Big hugs heading your way, i hope you have a good day xx
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Awwwww thanks you so much redcrx, I do feel a lot better today, just got myself into a right state yesterday and felt so bad about having these thoughts and had no one close to confide in over here. Just didn;t want to ring anyone and tell them my fears incase I was being a nutjob!!!!!! However it would appear that this is all perfectly normal and yes, I am a nutjob, lol. I think the baby went in a huff with me last night, no kicking or anything, perhaps she could sense my anxiety, she is making up for it today though and getting her own back.

Also told mrwarpig how I was feeling and I think he was relieved as he was feeling the same way! Poor mrwarpig, he must have been just sitting there with all this cr@p going round in his head and didn't want to mention it to me.

Have to laugh at the swedish midwife! didn't you just want to slap her?
lol she was actually really nice and said it in such a way that i believed her. Id had contractions for 3 weeks by this point, that werent doing anything at all and i knew that i was terrified of labour so it seemed to make sense.

chin up hun, we are all here if you need us :)

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