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I don't blame you, when is your next midwife appt?
It doesn't make sense to me that they would let you go that far when baby is "ready" to be born. My friend (who is having twins) lost some of her waters nearly three weeks ago and despite at least weekly appts at the hosp, they have stopped labour since then once and won't induce her until 26th March; she is 38weeks now, so in theory, babies would be ok if born now. Hosp have said that the boys are a good size, and she has been unable to walk since mid Jan due to SPD.
I get the impression that mine will be a monster, but I don't like to ask directly because then the midwife / doc thinks I am worried about it, which I'm not - I'd just like to know! I could tell when she measured / jiggled me yesterday though, and she made some comment about "Well, you are definitely 38cms, it looks like it will be a fair size".