want2findout - I didn't start showing until I was about 25weeks! Now there is no hiding it! It is amazing to hear the heartbeat isn't it? I only had the standard two scans at 12 and 20 weeks and even though it's amazing to see the little baby in there, hearing the heartbeat just makes me all gooey each time. Even now when I can feel it is a real life, enormous kicking machine in my belly, I still absolutely love hearing the heartbeat at my appointments. I think I will miss that part the most actually :-)
Red, I keep telling myself to 'ignore' anything I feel and that when labour starts for real I will know, but I still can't help getting my hopes up every time I get a twinge and lay there willing it to turn into something stronger! I feel like I am just ticking the days off now - I am really looking forward to my midwife appt tomorrow so that is giving me something to focus on. Then no doubt I will spend the whole of tomorrow going "Is this it?", "Oooh, I'm sure I just felt something", "Was that a contraction?". I will be driving either you lot or my hubby nuts!