first babies can be fully engaged for weeks before birth. I had contractions too for about 5 weeks before and they didn nothing because baby wasnt in right place to cause cervix to dilate.
i wouldnt go telling her what to do, but if she asks then there are old wives tales that do work and some that dont.
1) get on all fours as much as possible, and sit on a dining chair facin the back of it. This encourages baby into correct position and tilts the pelvis.
2) hot curries - chinese is best (worked for me)
3) sex- the hormone in sperm is same as the artificial one used as a pessary for induction. Taken orally is supposed to work better.
4) nipple tweaking, must be done for long periods of time, so perhaps something to do when watching tv in eves
5) hot baths
6) long walks or walking up and down stairs
7) clary sage oil, couple of drops in bath water can help stimulate the uterus