I have not been using contraception since June and ovulation tests showed faintly that I did ovulate just under 2 weeks ago. I have not had a period until yesterday when there was that yucky dark brown stuff! (sorry for being so graphic). It has been very light and really just spotting which has ended today. Should this be considered as the first proper period as I was expecting it to be really bad as I haven't had one for 4 yrs because of using implanon. Also when would I be likely to ovulate again? In approx 14 days from now or from the day of the period if it was one?
I would say it was chick, I was on the mini pill Cersette for years and didn't have periods either (as it was the pill closest to the injection pill). I have very mixed matched periods for a good few months! It was why I think I took longer to concieve on my second (about 6 months) x