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friends scan

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4getmenot | 14:49 Wed 10th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
ok looks like no one in pregnancy section today and if bigmammas about you could help. I heard from my friend at lunch who was having an early scan due to previous problems and she txt saying 'they could not find anything so could be I've got dates wrong and I'm only 4 weeks or I;ve lost or losing baby' Now I dont understand first bit if she was just 4 weeks could they still tell her if she was pregnant or not?


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If they said they couldn't find the baby, as at 4 weeks it wouldn't be seen on a scan. they would have given her another pregnancy test just to make sure wouldn't they?
Question Author
thats what I thought surely they can tell if she is still pregnant or not, but then if she has lost baby would that show as positive still for a while
It could even be that the baby is not in the womb. It could be growing in one of the tubes so will not show up on the scan.
Best if she has another test to make sure she is still pregnant.
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but as you said surely docs would have done that
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she did a test a couple of weeks ago which was positive, could this have been wrong. she has been bleeding but they cant tell her anything from scan
I know someone who had a scan at 8weeks because she was unsure of dates (thought she was 12weeks) and they could just about make out something was there so I would imagine that at 4weeks it would be very difficult to tell. I think at 4weeks it is a tiny ball of cells and could (and often are) easily lost through a period without anyone being any the wiser.

Not that I am saying this has happened to your friend just that that is how small it would be.
I would have thought so yes.
What was the problem before? why did she have to have an early scan this time?

I know you are worried for your friend. when will you get chance to speak to her?
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her baby had edwards syndrome and she had to abort at 4 months. she told me ladt friday she was 5 to 6 weeks but she had started bleeding, she just wants to know if she is pregnant or if she lost again, she has been in no pain.
If she has been bleeding, it doesn't sound good.
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see it could be either her doc said lots of people bleed at start while feotus is making its nest.
Iknow if you go for a scan and it cant be seen that they would usually ask you to return for a laterscan , but with nothing there , id imagine even at 4 or 5 weeks it would show. rasound-4-weeks--the-sac-1073.htm

I wouldnt like to guess , just hope it turns out ok .

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thanks leg. I just dont see why they cannot tell her if she is still pregnant or not. If she did test and it was postive no way of it being wrong is there? thought you could only get wrong negative results
a pregnancy test would still show positive because of the pregnancy hormone would still be in her body.
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thank you, so if they did a test and it said positive then would still be chance she has lost baby. :-(
4get. it could mean a number of things

baby may have been lost, a pregnancy test could show positive for a little while after.

A scan does not easily show a baby that early, so she could well have her dates wrong and the bleed be implantation which is quite common and of no danger to baby.

Now your friend can ask for bloods to be checked if she is sure that she conceived 6 weeks+ ago and they are wrong. They will take blood every couple of days and check for the pregnancy hormone, the figures have to be seen to increase rapidly to be sure of a viable pregnancy. If the figures drop then the pregnancy is likely to have been lost.

Bleeding is not always a sign of a loss. If she has any pains though with it then she should go back to the EPU.
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she sai she would let me know what doc said but she hasnt, think I will pop to see her tonight
i could show you a lot of posts by ladies who have bled and baby is fine, others who were told at 8 weeks their dates were wrong, went back a few weeks later to see a growing baby too.

I know your friend doesnt have the internet, but if she ever uses it at the library i can give her some links to help
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I'll speak to her tonight and let her know what you have said
Hi there 4getmenot. I was pregnant at the end of October last year. Due to previous miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy I was sent to EPU right away for a scan. They couldn't see anything in the womb, but said that could be quite normal for very early stage of pregnancy. To confirm the pregnancy was continuing normally, I had to have blood tests every 48 hours to monitor the HCG levels followed by another scan a week later. Unfortunately on that occassion the HCG levels didn't rise and after the second scan, I statred to bleed and subsequently miscarried. This took place at 7 weeks according to my dates. Different parts of the country have different practices for this. Please tell your friend not to worry, although from experience I know that is easier said than done! She has to do exactly what the hospital advises. I hope everything goes well for her.
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thanks pooshun. xx

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