i am 41 weeks pregnant and had a stretch and sweep about 9am this morning. at about 12.15 i had a brown loss (like a chocolate milkshake colour) sorry about the detail! would this be the show? or is the show meant to be more of a pinky colour?
thanks redcrx - wasnt sure as i'd only heard of the show being a pinky-red colour. was a litlle jelly like, hopefully wont be long now till this baby comes out!
with second baby i had sweep on 40 weeks exactly (as first went over by 17 days). I had 2 days of the show coming away and then 3rd day nothing, Baby arrived on 40+4
wow-17days over.. im fed up after a week over! i just hope he comes before sunday otherwise im to go into hospital to be induced and really dont fancy that.
chinese (not indian) curry
long walks
get baby into position by sitting on a dining chair and facing the back. Dont slouch on a sofa as baby will slump back
clary sage oil in the bath
evening primrose capsules on cervix
nipple stimulation (i know but it does work)
i had a chinese curry and sat astride the chair less than 6 hours before baby CRX arrived. went to bed at midnight with no pains and had her at 2,40am. I was even posting on answerbank at 1am lol
something mustve worked :)
thanks, ill try the sitting backwards on the chair - i tend to slouch in sofa, that stops now! walking hasn't worked and i didnt like rasperry leaf tea! chinese tonight then :-) i've read that most of these theories are just myths - apparently sex is the best one to try! x
oh and with the nipple stimulation - its meant to be done for a few hours to have any affect!!!!
I was 42 weeks with my eldest. Went in to be induced (the night before) Doctor came to examine me and asked if I was in any pain. I said no, why? He said you're dilated....
They gave me the option the next morning....let nature take it's course or we can break your waters. I chose the latter. Not a good idea...