It sounds to me as if you are lacking in self-confidence - not only do you admit that you are needy about your girlfriend (questioning what she says to people, etc.) but that if she is not around, you need assurance from this other girl too. Life and love is not all about sex and physical contact, it's about trusting each other and behaving in appropriate manners. If you were my bf and (however much it was a joke) you asked another girl to give you a bj, or indeed groped her breasts, you would be out on your ear - how can your gf trust you if that is the sort of conversation you have, and the way you behave - drunk or not? Your sex life is not for public discussion either, and again - it's not all about sex. You need to get a grip and show people that you can keep confidences and not make sex the most important thing in your life. If you are not having sex or any form, it doesn't mean there is anything the matter with you. You need to believe in yourself a bit more. I really do think on this one that if your gf has any sense, she will cut and run this time, I wouldn't stay around if you had done this to me.