OK before I start this is not a thing that is either worrying me or causing undue concern I would just genuinely like to know what other people would do. A couple of days ago a FB acquaintance ( I have met outside of cyber land on a couple of occasions) asked if I knew any good places to go with her metal detector. I know of a hidden old roman road in some private woods and arranged with the owner for her to spend the day there, private parking and goodwill that she could keep what she found unless it was a treasure trove situation. I saw her fleetingly before she left and she said there was not much to be found but they'd had a good day, she didn't thank me for organising it but hey ho I think that's almost normal for some people these days .To-day looked at her FB page and there was a Status from last night '' Roman Road My Ar*se!'' . My first thoughts were the ungrateful C+w and was going to put on her status something like 'charming' but left it. I know this sounds very school playground-y but what would you do ? Ignore the comment or make sure she knew you'd seen it ?
Some good answers thanks. I'm going with Daffy's suggestion of reminding her ( in a jokey fashion) that the Time Team sometimes find nothing after three days. In fact the Time Team were down here and visited about 4 sites and found very little on what were well-known Roman and Medieval sites. Its a very interesting place, you can clearly see the road construction, very much like the roads we saw in Pompeii. I've found a piece of what looks like Roman Armour in the very place she was metal detecting so perhaps she need new batteries in it lol!
ok this is what I wrote:
''oh its Roman alright *******, and used much later as a Salters Road and to lead Iron Ore from the local mines to the Iron Smelts nearby. You can still see the Smelts further up dug into the hillsides. Sometimes even the Time Team find nothing and they go digging for days and days.''
anneasquith I think she blocked me from seeing the comment as it didn't appear on my news feed, I had to go look on her page to see if she'd commented on the day. - well she knows I've seen it now!
Ironic to mention then, given that Time Team's efforts were largely aimed at getting less well established sites rated as worthy of being scheduled ancient monuments...
...to protect them from the likes of treasure hunters (a.k.a. archaeological-context-destroying operatives) like your FB pal.
When they work -with- archaeologists, detectorists are highly useful, so I don't like to hear them being knocked in an offhand way but freebooting treasure hunters? No, thanks.
Comment on it, and say, "I'm sorry all my efforts to get permission for you to access to a friend's private property and road didn't find you any treasure - but I've passed on your thanks to my friend for you".....that way she'll know you've seen it, and everyone else will know how ungrateful she is!