I don't know what to do anymore, my partner ignores my needs.
We live together, he doesn't work neither do i due to various health conditions.
He spends all his awake time on his smart phone or asleep whilst i do the majority of the household chores....we have no days out as he is up all night and asleep most of the day.
I feel neglected, ignored, disrespected.
This ends with me losing me temper....i love him....but not when i spend most days crying.......he is killing what could of been good at one point.
I have been drinking more..........i don't want to split up but i cannot carry on like this.
Ps: i myself can be a nightmare when i lose my temper :(.
Any ideas??
heard the expresion'ships that pass in the night?what relationship do you have?you sleep at night,he sleeps daytime,you do housework,chores,he lies back when awake and has a relationship with his smartphone instead of you,i don't see this going anywhere,my son is the same as him but he has learning difficulties(not to bad though)I would get rid of him...
If you are unhappy move it. You cannot change people. We all revert to our own characteristics and traits as much as we may try to be different so if you are unhappy after only six months move on. Life is too short to be miserable.
I knew a chap like that once. Turned out ( especially considering the sleep problems ) he had bipolar disorder ( used to be called manic depression) and needed lengthy hospital treatment. If your partner is on the verge of mental problems, he will need a great deal of support, and frankly, it doesn't sound as if he's likely to be worth it.
Hmmm....sounds as if sqads bones were giving him the wrong message.
You'll have to forgive him his somewhat outdated opinions...our sqad is a bit of an old chauvinist.;-)
But......i do love him.....i have thrown him out......he wants to talk now....why does everything have to be so extreme?
Thankyou for listening peeps :)
Hanpet, why do you love him? what is he giving to YOU in this relationship? It sounds as if you have a bit of low self-esteem - if he gives you a bit of security, that's not worth hanging on to, you say yourself it's "the drippings". Do you have anywhere to do if you leave? whose house do you live in? If I were you, I'd re-evaluate your life. He's treating you like a skivvy, nothing more, not a respected partner. What can you love about that?
It is my flat....he has a flat.
I suppose i love how he did make me feel.
He seems to have got too comfortable, i made him take all his things back to his......i am hoping that maybe now he knows just how unhappy he has been making me...he may buck his ideas up.
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