Just been reading an article about pre-pubescent lads spraying L??X deodorants all over themselves. (NB Other deodorants are available) we suffered this with No. One Son, the fumes from this stuff used to roll down the stairs like nerve gas resulting in the cats and dog suffering paroxysmal coughing. Having him in the car necessitated having all the windows open so that we too could breathe. Has anybody else experienced this?
How on earth the teachers coped with the fumes from a classroom full of this from a load of lads I don't know.
In my teenage schooldays most teachers used to stride into the room and immediately order all windows to be opened, it may have been BO or the smell of the hair lacquer (look it up) that we were all plastered with.
I'm a bit keen on keeping windows open myself now......
I accompanied some children on an activity holiday a few years ago - the fumes from the over use of boys deodorant, hair products etc set the smoke alarm off in their room. Funny, at the end of the week half of them hadn't even unwrapped their soap!